Wednesday, July 8, 2015
What Is the Benefit of a Natural Testosterone Boost?
With an estimated four million men now suffering from below normal testosterone levels, it’s no wonder that many are seeking a natural testosterone boost. This increasingly common condition strikes men for a variety of reasons, yet most are still not getting the help they need. In fact, less than five percent of the millions of men with low T are taking either prescription testosterone replacement therapies or low T supplements.
Low T is often not diagnosed because the symptoms are often overlooked or mistaken as signs of aging. These symptoms include:
• Tiredness
• Small testicles
• Decreased interest in sex
• Erectile dysfunction
• Weight gain
• Depression
• Anemia
• Loss of stamina during exercise
• Reduced bone density
However, low T is being discussed more and more, and doctors are now regularly testing men who show some of the signs of hypogonadism. Some will be prescribed testosterone replacement therapy, while others can benefit substantially by taking a natural supplement for a testosterone boost.
Prescription therapies work by boosting the hormone levels with synthetic testosterone. Low T supplements work differently by coaxing the body to naturally increase testosterone levels. For men who have a history of cancer, the natural supplement options are often a safer way to boost testosterone as hormone replacement has been linked to increased tumor production.
There are also side effects to prescription treatment that are not always desirable such as breast enlargement, acne, and hair loss.
The first step for any man who is suspecting a loss in testosterone is to take a blood test to determine testosterone levels. This is the only way to truly know if there is a problem and also how it should be addressed.
Many men are diagnosed with a testosterone level that is hovering around the baseline level of normal. For them, a testosterone boost from a natural supplement combined with lifestyle changes can make a big improvement. Weight loss, increased exercise, a healthy diet, and plenty of sleep can naturally increase testosterone.
What Can Be Expected with Low T Supplements?
Often, a feeling of well-being is quickly noticed after starting low T supplements. This may include more energy, less sluggishness, and an increased interest in sex. When coupled with a healthier lifestyle, it’s not uncommon for men to regain a sense of energy and vitality that they haven’t experienced for years.
Of course, it’s always a good idea to first contact your physician before starting any nutritional formula including low T supplements. By getting tested, you can take the first step in finding out what you can do for a testosterone boost.
If a natural supplement is right for you, choose one that is formulated from natural nutrients such as Nature’s Plus T Male products. They help boost testosterone production naturally without the risky side effects that go hand-in-hand with other types of testosterone treatments.