Lack of interest in sex is a problem in many marriages and a primary reason why many men go to see their doctor. While there are a variety of reasons why a man’s sex drive could diminish, one of the most common causes of decreased interest in sex is a drop in testosterone production. In many cases, the addition of a natural testosterone booster along with a few lifestyle changes can make a man regain interest in sex.
Common Causes of Low Sex Drive
Many men blame themselves when sex decreases in marriage. However, talking about the problem is the first step. Often, low libido in a man is related to medications such as antidepressants and antihypertensive drugs. Fatigue, stress, and poor diet can also be factors. And, testosterone naturally decreases in men as they age.
The first step in determining the cause of low sex drive is to rule out specific medical problems such as low testosterone production. A simple blood test can provide the answer. If a man has been diagnosed with low testosterone, there are a variety of treatment options from simply making lifestyle changes to starting a daily hormone replacement therapy.
Because synthetic testosterone has side effects that can be serious in some men, it is often best to take a conservative approach to treatment. Often, reducing stress, improving the diet, increasing exercise and adding a natural testosterone booster are what’s needed to return testosterone to normal levels. With levels where they should be, most men regain interest in sex.
If you’re a man who is struggling with a low sex drive, it may be well worth the time and effort to schedule an appointment with your doctor. Getting the help you need may be as simple as taking a natural testosterone booster on a daily basis.