Studies have shown that depression and low testosterone have a connection. The reason is clear. Depression naturally causes a man’s body to produce less testosterone, and low testosterone makes a man experience symptoms of depression. However, there’s hope for men suffering from these conditions. A natural T supplement can help enable the body to jumpstart testosterone production which can improve symptoms of depression.
The chicken and egg dilemma of dealing with depression and low testosterone can be a challenge. Some experts feel that treating both conditions simultaneously is the best approach. After a diagnosis of low testosterone is confirmed, an evaluation of lifestyle is a must. Poor diet, lack of sleep, overconsumption of alcohol, certain over the counter medications, too much stress, and little exercise can contribute to a drop off of testosterone production. All of these lifestyle issues can also exacerbate underlying depression. By making some changes, symptoms can often start to improve.
However, most medical experts will tell you that lifestyle improvements should also include either hormone replacement therapy or a natural T supplement. Because many men have side effects to synthetic testosterone replacement, a natural T booster is often the first option.
Of course, symptoms of depression may also need to be treated with medication and/or psychotherapy. This is why it’s important to consult with a physician and to get testosterone levels tested.
Choosing the Right Natural T Booster
If testosterone is a factor, an all-natural T supplement that contains ingredients that support healthy hormone production is a must. These include zinc aspartate, calcium, fenugreek, and tribulus terrestris. Once testosterone and depression are in check, both the physiological and psychological impact can be substantial.