A growing number of health and wellness experts are encouraging men to try intermittent fasting as a way to stay healthy and possibly increase testosterone levels. When fasting is combined with a natural testosterone booster, some men are finding surprising results that are comparable to taking prescription testosterone therapies.
Why Fasting Boosts Testosterone
One of the most fundamental reasons why fasting is beneficial to men is weight management. Fasting helps you regulate your weight. Men who have higher amounts of fat will also have higher levels of estrogen. With greater estrogen levels, come lower testosterone. Intermittent fasting uses fat tissue for energy, leading to less estrogen in the body.
Secondly, researchers have concluded that fasting boosts gonadotropic hormones as a type of physiological process to ensure survival of the species. This means that missing a day of meals kicks your body into testosterone overdrive.
Interestingly, many men who experiment with intermittent fasting experience renewed energy, aggressiveness, and power that weren’t there when they were not fasting.
Combined with a Natural Testosterone Booster
When a dietary change of fasting is combined with a testosterone booster for men, the results can be even more pronounced. The natural nutrients found in these supplements can help drive even greater testosterone production. These include calcium, fenugreek, zinc aspartate, and tribulus terrestris.
A high quality formula like T Male Liquid from Nature’s Plus can be a safe natural testosterone booster that can be used in conjunction with intermittent fasting to produce faster, stronger results. Of course, it’s always a good idea to discuss any supplement you’re considering with your doctor.