Wednesday, March 25, 2015

Could Natural Testosterone Supplements Help Treat Erectile Dysfunction?

The most common cause of erectile dysfunction (ED) is reduced blood flow to the penis caused by a variety of conditions including high blood pressure, high cholesterol, and hardening of the arteries. However, there are many other physical and psychological problems that can be the cause. Low testosterone is one of these, yet it can be treated with the help of natural testosterone supplements. 

What Is the Link between Low Testosterone and Erectile Dysfunction?
Researchers have not been able to completely identify the relationship between erections and testosterone. Yet, it is known that low testosterone is linked to many of the chronic conditions that cause erectile dysfunction. Diabetes, hypertension, obesity, and heart disease can all drop testosterone levels and also cause erectile problems.

For men suffering from these conditions, there are a variety of options. Medications for ED such as Viagra and Cialis can treat symptoms. However, they do not treat the root cause of erectile problems. Some doctors will prescribe hormone replacement therapy along with ED medication. However, there are risks to be weighed such as some serious side effects.

One Option - Natural T-Booster Supplements
Another option for treating erectile dysfunction is to take natural testosterone supplements which are designed to help support natural testosterone production in the body. These can help revitalize levels of testosterone, which is often sufficient for treating symptoms of erectile dysfunction.

The best natural T-booster supplements are those that contain a formula of natural ingredients that have been shown to support testosterone production. These include zinc aspartate, calcium, fenugreek, and fruit extracts that have high polyphenol content.

While there are options for men suffering from erectile dysfunction, the safest, most effective option may be to try natural testosterone supplements before experimenting with more risky and costly prescription medications.

Wednesday, March 18, 2015

Combining HGH Supplements and Fasting

Human growth hormone (HGH) is necessary for the body to produce lean muscle. However, its production decreases as we age. This is a primary cause of mid-life weight gain and muscle loss. Yet, there may be a way to rejuvenate HGH production through the use of HGH supplements and fasting.

During fasting, HGH is produced in higher quantities to help preserve muscle tissue and glycogen stores. This helps breakdown fat. In a study from Leiden University Medical Center in the Netherlands, levels of HGH were shown to rise measurably within 13 hours after starting a fast. 

When used with HGH supplements that provide nutrients to support healthy human growth hormone production, fasting can be particularly beneficial for those wanting to lose weight and increase lean muscle mass.

While there are many HGH supplements on the market, the best contain nutrients that are designed to maximize free radical elimination, balance blood sugar, and improve L-dopa levels. For men, a supplement like GHT Male from Nature’s Plus also contains testosterone boosting ingredients. The combination of testosterone and human growth hormone works to improve energy while also renewing strength and endurance.

Is HGH Testing Necessary?
HGH testing is rarely performed on adults, and is primarily used to help diagnose children with pituitary problems such as stunted growth or gigantism. Prescription HGH therapy is currently approved for treating stunted growth in children. Because of risks, it is not approved for adults because there is still not enough research-based information available about its long-term safety. In other words, you’re unlikely to get a doctor willing to perform the test or prescribe prescription hormone replacement.

For those who want to increase their levels of HGH, the smartest solution may be to combine human growth hormone supplements with regular fasting. This will support natural production of the hormone without the risk of potentially dangerous side effects.

Wednesday, March 11, 2015

Could a Testosterone Booster and Vitamin D Help Middle-Aged Men?

For middle-aged men suffering from low levels of testosterone, there is growing evidence that increasing levels of vitamin D along with taking a natural testosterone booster can improve total testosterone levels. In a recent study, researchers found a link between low levels of vitamin D and hypogonadism.

Deficiencies in vitamin D have long been suspected to be a cause of low testosterone in men with high body mass index. However, it is now thought that vitamin D plays a significant role in testosterone production in men of all sizes. In findings presented at this year’s American Urological Association’s annual meeting, researchers speculated that the body actually needs vitamin D to create testosterone. With low supplies of it, testosterone levels will inevitably drop.

Obtaining Sufficient Vitamin D
Along with possibly supporting healthy testosterone production, vitamin D is also essential for bone health, immunity, and fighting depression. Most men obtain enough of the vitamin through sunlight and diet. However, those in cold weather climates and those who rarely expose their skin to sunlight are at a higher risk of suffering side effects of low vitamin D. These side effects may also include low testosterone production.

A simple way to improve vitamin D levels is to take a natural vitamin D supplement. When this is combined with a T-booster for men, symptoms of low T and vitamin D deficiency often subside. 

How a Testosterone Booster Works
Unlike prescription testosterone replacement therapy, natural testosterone boosters, such as T Male Liquid, are formulated to help support the body’s natural production of testosterone. Nutrients, such as zinc aspartate, fenugreek, tribulus terrestris, and tongkat ali have all been identified to help positively influence male hormone production. Supplements that contain these ingredients can often offer similar results to synthetic hormone replacement therapies without the common side effects of prescription medications.

If you suspect that you may be suffering from low testosterone, you may want to boost your vitamin D intake and try a natural T-booster for men. You may find that it is enough to promote increased strength, endurance, stamina, and vitality.

Wednesday, March 4, 2015

Strengthening Bones with Natural Testosterone Boosters

Most men know that low testosterone can drop libido, as well as diminish stamina and energy. However, far fewer know that there is a substantial link between low testosterone levels and decreased bone density. When you consider that men over the age of 50 are at an increased risk of acquiring osteoporosis, taking natural testosterone boosters may be a smart idea for middle-aged men who have been identified as suffering from low testosterone.

In the last several years, new studies have been published linking low testosterone levels with low bone density in relatively young males. In one of the latest studies, bone mineral density scans were performed on men diagnosed with low testosterone who were on average 50.7 years of age. Of these men, 39% had low bone density, and 5% actually had osteoporosis.

Causes of Low Bone Density
There is no single cause of low bone density in men. While age is one factor, as it is in women, illness and lifestyle choices are more likely to be causes. These include diabetes, smoking history, drinking, and body mass index. Interestingly, all of these causes are also linked to low testosterone. 

The link between low testosterone and low bone density has been suspected for quite a while. In a 1991 study published in the Journal of the American Geriatrics Society, it was concluded that hypogonadal men over the age of 65 were nearly five times likely to suffer a hip fracture than those with higher testosterone levels.

The Benefits of a Natural Testosterone Supplement
Middle-aged men who have symptoms of low testosterone may benefit from taking natural testosterone boosters to protect their ongoing bone health. When combined with a balanced diet, exercise, and stress reduction, it is often beneficial in supporting healthy testosterone production. This may help to maintain bones and prevent painful fractures later in life.