Are you currently taking a testosterone therapy in the form of an injection, transdermal patch, topical cream, gel or implant? If so, you may be concerned about the many recent reports and stories in the media about the risks of testosterone replacement therapies. It may even have prompted you to look at alternatives, such as natural testosterone booster supplements.
More than 5 million prescriptions for testosterone therapy are written for men each year, according to a report in the Journal of the American Medical Association. Yet, approximately 25 percent of men have never had their testosterone level checked. While testosterone therapy is recommended for many diagnosed cases of hypogonadism when there are very low hormone levels, the reality is that the risks of these therapies are too significant for many men who have borderline levels or acceptable levels of the hormone.
Ongoing studies continue to show that testosterone therapies can increase a man’s risk for blood clots, heart attack and stroke. These therapies can also lead to some unusual side effects such as sleep apnea, acne and breast enlargement. In one study conducted at University of California – Los Angeles, testosterone therapy doubled the risk of heart attack in men over the age of 65 and nearly tripled the risk in younger men who had a history of heart disease.
These risks are substantial, and because of this, testosterone therapy isn’t something to consider lightly or to choose without careful discussion between you and your physician. This discussion should include testosterone level testing to determine if decreased hormones are even the source of symptoms that you’re having.
T-Booster Supplements for Men
For many men, the risks are not worth the reward. A safer alternative without the potentially dangerous side effects is a natural testosterone booster that is formulated with testosterone promoting nutrients such as zinc and fenugreek. When combined with lifestyle changes, it can help return energy, vitality and sexual function naturally.
Simply taking a potentially dangerous medication without fully-understanding the risks is never a good idea. This is why it’s vitally important to get all the facts before you commit to a testosterone therapy. This includes finding out about safer alternatives.