It’s natural to compare yourself to others. Yes, everyone does it! This includes looking for signs of aging. Who hasn’t wondered why one guy has a face full of wrinkles and an expanding waistline while another still looks 25 when he’s 50? Dead giveaways of middle age include a lack of muscle tone, hair loss and wrinkles. Whether or not you’re a card carrying member of AARP, no one wants to look or feel older than they are. If you’re struggling with the impact of getting older, there are a few things you can do now that can make a difference and even turn back the clock on your physical appearance. From incorporating natural testosterone supplements into your daily routine to developing a sustainable exercise routine, a few quick lifestyle changes can make a world of difference.
Natural Testosterone Supplements
A drop in testosterone is a natural part of aging. However, it doesn’t necessarily mean getting a prescription for costly hormone replacement therapy. Natural T-booster supplements, such as T Male from Nature’s Plus, nutritionally support natural testosterone production to combat common symptoms of low-T, including decreased muscle tone, weight gain and a lack of energy.
Tip: When choosing natural testosterone supplements, choose a brand that uses a natural formula of nutrients that include testosterone-increasing ingredients like zinc aspartate, calcium and fenugreek.
Stick to a Physical Activity Program
Rather than pushing it to the limit one day a week, it’s more important to build stamina, strength and flexibility with a daily exercise routine. Not only is it good for your heart and brain, it will help keep you looking dramatically younger than your non-exercising buddies.
Tip: Exercise doesn’t have to happen in a gym. Frequent bike rides, walks or swims can offer the same results with a lot more fun.
Use Sunscreen
No, sunscreen isn’t just for women! Men can also benefit from regularly using a broad-spectrum sunscreen (SPF 30 or higher). Sunscreen should be applied to your face and exposed body areas 30 minutes before heading outdoors. It also needs to be reapplied every two hours if you’re swimming or sweating heavily.
Tip: Further reduce wrinkling and other signs of sun damage by avoiding outdoor activities during the peak sun hours of 11am and 4pm.
Reduce Stress
Nothing is more aging than chronic stress. It’s also bad for your personal relationships and can even increase your risk of heart disease. Try to leave stress at the office and find time for family, friends and hobbies.
Tip: Consider practicing a daily stress-management technique of meditation or deep breathing.
You’re as Young as You Feel
Do you wake up tired and struggle daily with feeling sluggish and out of shape? It may be worthwhile to consult with your physician to rule out any potential health issues. Often, adding a few lifestyle changes and natural T-booster supplements are enough to jumpstart energy levels and vitality.