Wednesday, May 20, 2015

Testosterone Boosters That Support Your Testosterone Production – Naturally!

Testosterone boosters have become increasingly popular in recent years due to their ability to support natural testosterone production in men. With more men talking to their doctors about low testosterone, also referred to as low T, these natural alternatives to steroidal testosterone replacements are helping many men regain their energy and vitality.

It’s an unfortunate reality that many men suffer silently from the symptoms of low T without knowing that there are effective natural supplement testosterone boosters that can help.

What Are the Symptoms of Low T?
The symptoms of low testosterone can be subtle - punctuated with vague feelings of tiredness and a lack of enjoyment for life. However, some men complain of pronounced symptoms that include:
A low libido
Decreased strength and endurance
Reduced muscle tone and bone strength
Deterioration of work performance
Lost height
Erectile problems
Loss of body hair
And, weight gain

It was once thought that many of these symptoms were just signs of aging. And, while aging can cause similar symptoms, it’s always a good idea to discuss them with a doctor and to have the necessary blood work to determine testosterone levels.

This under-diagnosed and under-treated condition often goes hand-in-hand with other conditions such as diabetes, obesity, and heart disease. Most medical experts recommend any man with these conditions to have their testosterone levels checked on a regular basis.

Testosterone Boosters
If it has been determined that you have low T, the next step is working towards returning your levels to normal. Prescription therapy options include gels and solutions, patches, injections, tablets, and pellets placed under the skin. However, there are risks associated with testosterone replacement therapy including:
Increased risk for sleep apnea
An overproduction of red blood cells which can contribute to an increased risk of heart disease
Enlarged breasts
Decreased sperm production
Stimulation of noncancerous and cancerous growths of the prostate

If you do not want to risk the side effects of testosterone replacement therapy, there are natural testosterone boosters that can also bump up testosterone levels. Dietary and lifestyle changes along with natural supplements can help.

Increase Zinc in Your Diet
One of the best test boosters is zinc. So, foods high in zinc such as red meat, eggs, and dairy can definitely help.

Switch to Monounsaturated Fats
Studies have shown that men who eat higher amounts of monounsaturated fats such as those found in olive oil and nuts have naturally higher levels of testosterone.

Exercise More
Exercise is another natural testosterone booster which has been proven to help stimulate the body’s natural production of testosterone. Resistance and strength training can be particularly beneficial. A reduction of body fat can also help improve the balance of testosterone in the body. This is because fat stimulates the production of estrogen which actually cancels out the effects of testosterone.

Cut Back on Alcohol
Alcohol can reduce testosterone levels – so can smoking. By not being exposed to these toxins, you’ll give your body its best chance of producing testosterone.

Sleep and Sex
Both sleep and sex can help boost testosterone levels.

Natural Testosterone Boosters
Natural supplements can also help support natural testosterone production in men. The best test boosters contain zinc aspartate, calcium, and testosterone boosting herbs such as fenugreek and tribulus terrestris.

Nature's Plus® T MALE™ capsules are the best test boosters on the market. With a gluten-free formula that packs the nutrients that contribute to healthy production of testosterone, it’s the ideal supplement for any man wanting to feel and look his best.