Wednesday, July 22, 2015

Can a Supplement Provide a Natural Testosterone Boost?

It’s a fact of life that men begin to produce less human growth hormone (HGH) and testosterone as they age. Levels of these energy boosting hormones drop substantially in men that are in the 40s and beyond. Without a testosterone boost, these men often feel sluggish, tired, weak, and disinterested in sex.

Other factors can drop testosterone and HGH levels in even younger men including chronic conditions such as diabetes, heart disease, and obesity, along with the usage of certain medications and just everyday stress.

For men who want to regain energy, muscle strength, and vitality, a natural formula to provide a testosterone boost can be just the answer. While there are prescription hormone replacement therapies that are available, there are risks associated with those including prostatic hypertrophy, liver toxicity, and tumor growth. Other risks are sleep apnea, gynecomastia, infertility, and skin diseases.

An alternative to hormone replacement therapies is a natural supplement that increases human growth hormone and testosterone. Testosterone boosters such as Nature’s Plus GHT Male are dietary supplements that help support healthy production of testosterone and HGH in men.

Results from taking natural testosterone boosters can include:
·         Improved energy and strength
·         Heightened endurance
·         Renewed interest in sex
·         Healthy cognitive function
·         Faster muscle development

The combination of testosterone and human growth hormone boosting nutrients are beneficial to men who are actively working out on a regular basis and for those who are less inclined to regular exercise. By providing a boost of both of these essential hormones, the results are often substantial.

The Benefits of HGH
First discovered in the 1920s, HGH has been widely researched. Yet, researchers are still discovering new uses for this important hormone produced in the anterior pituitary gland. What has been revealed is that HGH promotes and increases the production of new protein tissues such as muscle. It also produces more energy, improves sexual performance, builds stronger bones, and optimizes the quality and duration of the heart and kidneys.

Like testosterone, HGH production does slow down substantially as men age. However, there are ways to increase its production naturally. Strategies for bumping up HGH production include working out, regular rest, proper nutrition, and supplementation.

Combined, men find that they have increased ability to train and have more energy for their day-to-day life activities.  So, a supplement that provides both a testosterone boost and a jump in HGH is a great option for men starting to feel an age related drop in energy and performance.