Wednesday, June 10, 2015

How Do You Know You Are Getting the Best Natural Test Booster?

Have you thought about your testosterone level, and wonder how you can find the best natural test booster to increase your energy and vitality?  If so, read on!

Normal levels of testosterone vary from about 350 to 1,000 nanograms per deciliter of a man’s blood. Over the course of time, this level decreases at the rate of about one percent per year from the age of around 40. While this may seem like a small percentage, this steady decline can cause a variety of symptoms such as sluggishness, brittle bones, weight gain, and impotence. By the time you’re in your 60s, this drop can be substantial and can actually lead to even more serious conditions such as an increased risk of heart disease.

If that’s not enough to get you to consider testosterone boosters, many men in their 30s and 40s also discover that they’re testosterone levels are low enough to cause symptoms. Called hypogonadism, this condition occurs for a variety of reasons such as an injury to the testicle, an undescended testicle, or a pituitary gland disorder. Many chemicals can also lower testosterone levels. These include mercury, pesticides, bisphenol-A (commonly found in canned goods), lead, and many common prescription drugs. Excess weight and conditions that go along with obesity such as diabetes can also drop testosterone levels.

When you consider just how many things can cause lower testosterone, it makes sense to find the best natural test booster you can find before you try synthetic testosterone replacement. Why? Prescription medications to combat low testosterone have side effects. And, these side effects can be substantial in some men. These can include:

Fluid retention
Sleep apnea
Increased risk of prostate tumors and cancer
Increased red blood cell concentration
Liver toxicity
Breast tenderness

When to Start Taking Testosterone Boosters
Of course, before you start on any natural or prescription testosterone treatment, it is a good idea to first get your testosterone level checked. This can be done with a simple blood test. Once you’ve ruled out the possibility of other ailments and have determined that you do indeed have low testosterone, you can begin to strategize on what to do next.

Many doctors recommend patients with low testosterone to first try raising their levels with lifestyle changes such as increased exercise, dietary changes, and more rest. In some cases, these modifications work.

Results can often be even more substantial when used in conjunction with one of the best natural test booster supplements. Nature's Plus® T MALE™ is considered to be amongst the top testosterone boosters on the market. With a formula that includes nutrients that have been shown to promote testosterone production in men, it’s a safe alternative to prescription hormone replacement. Ingredients such as zinc aspartate, calcium, fenugreek, and tribulus terrestris have been used to create the T Male formula, and an increasing number of men are discovering that using it along with modifying some aspects of their daily life can make a huge difference in how they look, feel, and perform.